February 16, 2019

Bible Training

Addressing The Need

In Sierra Leone, we have prayerfully committed to training up young men, serious about the sound teaching of God’s Word.
We believe that God’s Word does not return void.

Isaiah 55:11
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void,
but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

The people of Sierra Leone have been starved for sound Biblical teaching for most of their history. Bringing the expositional teaching of the Word of God, verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book to a people devastated by civil war and afflicted by high rates of adult illiteracy has brought lasting peace to Christ-followers concerning their right-standing with God.

Calvary West Africa Bible Institute (CWABI) in Ghana has been a tremendous partner in training up these young men, sent from Sierra Leone, over the years. The travel by land is difficult, always an adventurous story to tell! The food has challenged even the most constitutionally strong. The sacrifices and commitment have been sincere and the treasure these young men carry back with them to their home country, Sierra Leone, is the Word of God engraved on the tablet of their hearts and the ability to teach it soundly.

In September 2018, Pastor Peter Light, a 2017 graduate of CWABI, established a fledgling Bible institute in Juba Hill, just outside the capital city of Freetown, Sierra Leone.

peter light pastor calvary chapel juba hill

Pastor Peter Light

Pastor Peter continues to direct the teaching program in the Dodo community now, a little further from Freetown. He calls it the Calvary Chapel Bible Institute of Sierra Leone. Peter is in direct contact with both Directors of Calvary Bible Institutes in the Upper East Region {Robert Asaakurigo} and Eastern Region {Donne Pouguini} of Ghana. Peter receives encouragement and mentoring from both of these West African pastors. The first three students have graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible Institute/ Sierra Leone {CCBI/SL} in August 2019 and another seven students are beginning studies.

In May 2020, eight CCBI/SL students and staff completed the program studies through the entire Bible, including teaching practice. Peter’s wife Isata was among this years’ graduates, as well as his cousin, Emmanuel, whom we affectionately know as “The Gate Keeper’s Son”

We are so pleased to bring attention to one of the graduates in this group, Catherine Gibilla, our first student in the Adult Literacy Unlocked program (seen kneeling in the photo below). Catherine persevered while serving alongside Pastor Peter and the other church leaders during the pandemic and was blessed to not only learn to read well enough to graduate with the rest of this group; Catherine also gained employment at a local mall, having filled out her own job application! This is a huge step in working one’s way out of a life of poverty for an illiterate adult! She is now able to teach others how to read, write, and comprehend what they read and write!

Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.

Even though Sierra Leoneans saw additional difficulties in 2020 due to the pandemic, all of these ministry leaders remained focused on God’s call to redeem the lost. Many outreaches were accomplished into the Kambia District near the Guinean border. There are men waiting for the opportunity to attend CCBI/SL as soon as Pastor Peter can arrange for residential accommodation for the 9 month program.

2023 Update: Pastor Peter Light is preparing to re-open enrollment for Calvary Chapel Bible Institute/ Sierra Leone. The church has moved from the Juba Hill community on the edge of Freetown, to the more rural community of Dodo, further outside of the capital city. Construction has begun on a residential addition to the church building at Calvary Chapel Dodo. The students will be housed right at the church building for the term of their study and discipleship.

Calvary Chapel Bible Institute, Sierra Leone {CCBI/SL}
Calvary Chapel Dodo, Freetown, SIERRA LEONE
Director, Peter Light
If you are interested in supporting this Bible Institute
please follow this link to:
donate via WAMMP

Sierra Leone is grateful to the following Bible training centers in Ghana:

Calvary West Africa Bible Institute {CWABI}
Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, GHANA
Director, Robert Asaakurigo

Calvary Chapel Bible Training Centre
Pepease, Eastern Region, GHANA
Director, Donne Pouguini