July 16, 2019


West Africa Mission Mobilization Project is partnering with Hedges of Mercy to provide a means of awareness and support of the ministry and its needs. David and Roseann Mapa met with Hedges of Mercy founder, Phillips Elisha while serving together in evangelistic outreach to the Upper East Region of Ghana in the summer of 2015. We were impressed at the scope of ministry, as well as the dedication of those working alongside Phillips. More recently, we have been increasingly concerned by the reports of persecution in the region and believe we are called to do as much as we can in order to assist these remarkably courageous Christians carry on with the ministry that they have been called to.

Consistent contact through the years that followed has heightened our awareness of the need for US supporters of Hedges of Mercy to be reassured that their funds are indeed going directly to the work of the ministry in a timely way. Therefore, we are providing a means for supporters of Hedges of Mercy to give online, if they wish. We commit to ensuring that your donations are transferred on a regular basis to Hedges of Mercy so that their programs and needs are met, perhaps even exceeded.

Click to read more about Hedges of Mercy {{HERE}}

To DONATE to Hedges of Mercy through WAMMP,
click the “DONATE” button below
follow the instructions carefully.