Serving in West Africa
Isaiah 65:24 It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.

In January 2013 we took an exploratory trip to Sierra Leone to try and understand why God was calling us to serve here. We discovered that people had a hunger for the teaching of the Word of God in a simple, understandable, and practical way.

In the summer of 2014 we were invited to Ghana. Ten young men from Sierra Leone have since completed training through the entire Word of God through our contacts in Ghana. Ministry among an Unreached People Group (UPG) in the Upper East Region has also been established.

In the summer of 2015, back in Ghana, we met with a Nigerian ministry leader who joined our team. We were very impressed by his holistic approach to village outreach and remained in frequent contact. In summer of 2019 we were humbled to partner with Hedges of Mercy for the sake of the Gospel.
our mission
West Africa Mission Mobilization Project
Bringing people and resources together for the empowerment of the people of West Africa for the sake of the Gospel
Pastors, teachers, ministry leaders, layworkers, UPG (unreached people groups), the lost
Leadership training, Bible study, discipleship, adult literacy, community development, substance abuse recovery
Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria
The Word of God, The JESUS Film