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If you would like to donate by personal check write the check out to WAMMP. If you have special instructions such as designating the funds to Hedges of Mercy please include that on a separate note or on the check memo. Mail your donation to :

PO Box 850
Rough and Ready, CA 95975

Please include a return address so we can send you a receipt for your tax deductions.
We are a registered 501(c)3 in the State of California
Corp Doc# C3924402

Important Notice

The inner workings of the registration and donation process has been modified for better support. At the request of various donors, we added the feature of making monthly recurring donations. If you cannot log on because the system doesn’t recognize your email address (username), please register again. The system is now using a built in WordPress user management system. This will allow us to eventually expand in the future to blog posts, news letters, etc. After registration please close your browser completely. Re-open your browser and return back to here, the Donate page to make your donation. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Press here for more information

Recurring Donations: If you have setup recurring donations and desire to change the recurring donation amount or cancel please contact us by phone at 605-786-7723